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Semper Gumby

We are living in uncertain times right now, but there is one thing we can be certain about — people are craving content. They want to be inspired, they want to laugh, they want to be informed, and they want to be entertained. As a brand with a digital presence, you can be that source of feel-good content while also getting your message out. So let’s take a look at how you can make the most of your digital marketing during this coronavirus blip.

Caring Is… Well, Caring

Above everything, be genuine and show empathy. We are all in this together, and messages and notes of positivity go a long way. Set the tone for how your fans are perceiving your brand during this time. But how can you, as a brand, offer an outlet or relief to your fans?

Be Flexible

Pivot. Everyone is tossing this word around. I like to say “Semper Gumby,” which means always flexible. Think outside the box for your business. So many industries are adapting to new business models to meet customers’ needs and to be part of a community. Here are some of my favorites: 

Royal Caribbean
Royal Caribbean is doing virtual cruises on their Facebook page. They have adapted their Cruise Compass to include meal recipes, drink recipes, suggested activities, trivia, and event LIVE shows on Facebook each night. They have taken their content strategy and adapted to keep fans engaged and thinking about Royal Caribbean once this is done and over with. 

Panera Bread
Panera Bread just announced that they are launching Panera Grocery. A new business model that offers groceries like milk, eggs, bread, etc. for rapid pick up or contactless delivery. Panera saw a demand that they knew they could meet and adjusted their business model. Don’t be afraid to do so. It might just have an amazing impact on your business and a potential additional revenue stream at the end of all of this. 

3 Nations Brewing 
Many local Texas breweries (and I am sure nationwide) are not only offering curbside pick up of their brews, but they are also keeping as many events as possible virtual. 3 Nations Brewing does two live trivia events each week. Trivia is family friendly, and topics cover a wide variety of categories, including Netflix, Cowboy, PIXAR, Classic Rock etc. Each event they have roughly 150+ viewers participating in trivia. What’s even cooler is that they are getting state and nationwide participation and have now gotten a reach farther than they would otherwise. 

These examples are just a couple of ways that brands have rethought their business process, while also meeting consumers’ needs. So ask yourself, what can I do differently? Online engagement is at an alltime high, and here are some things for you to consider. 

  • eCommerce:  Perfect for brick-and-mortar stores that are closed, eCommerce brings your store alive online, and you can promote via social media. 
  • Podcast or video: People are craving human interactions, and many would rather listen to a podcast or watch a video than read a piece of content. And I would venture to say that you are looking for an outlet, too. Think about how you can adapt your content to be more engaging. 
  • Social media: Online engagement is at an all-time high, which means you have a prime opportunity to be heard. Dig deep and talk about what your consumers want to hear. Now is not the time for a hard sell. Show empathy, show humanity, and be fun. 
  • Content: While you should always keep your eye on the prize, right now you need to be thinking about out-of-the-box ways to do content. 
  • Advertising: It’s easy to pause your advertising funds as a means to stop the bleeding, but I am here to tell you that is a bad idea. Advertising isn’t just about the present. It’s also about the future. You will want to ramp back up and even try to make up for lost time and revenue. Keep your advertising, trim back slightly, and pivot your ads so that it’s right for your business. 

All-in-all, you got it. And we are here to help. If you feel as if you have run all of your ideas dry, give On Target, an Orlando digital marketing agency a call. We love thinking outside the box, and we want to help!