
Dying Content? Here’s How to Revive it

You’ve hit Google. You’ve hit HuffPost. And you’ve even hit Bing. Yet, you can’t seem to find inspiration. Whether you’re writing a blog, curating an Instagram theme, or keeping up with your network on LinkedIn, content creation is the cornerstone of modern marketing strategies.

So, what do you do when your content hits snooze for the seventh time and it’s complaining that there’s no creative juice to keep it alive? Here at On Target, we believe it’s about time to give content a swift kick in the you-know-what.

Make it Human

No one likes a complainer; we’re talking to you, half-dead half-robot listicle. So while everyone is focused on the “14 Steps to Writing a Listicle,” we’re here to tell real stories. You know, the stuff consumers ACTUALLY want to know.

For me, it’s easy to become a self-titled “brand ambassador.” I find myself loving a product so much that I can’t seem to shut up about it. I’ll tell my brother, my mom (of course), and even the weird dude standing next to me in line at Whole Foods.

And what does any normal Millennial do when they find a cool, unique, or interesting product? I stroll to their website. You know, it’s 2 in the morning, I’m looking at the clock wondering how many times I’ll hit the snooze button tomorrow, and how weird that guy at Whole Foods was. And then BAM! I’m weeks deep in this company’s social channels, blogs, white papers, etc.

Can you guess what’s the one thing that sticks out to me? If every article, post, or infographic sounds like it’s coming from a court transcriber. I find myself asking, “So, robots are taking over our jobs now? Cool.”

The bottom line is, no one is ready for the robot apocalypse yet. Create content that isn’t generated in two minutes; instead, create something that speaks to humans, starts a conversation, and isn’t a 50-page court document.

Make it Targeted

In order to create great content, you have to know who you’re talking to. It’s not rocket science, but it does take time to perfect. Who are YOUR brand ambassadors? Are they moms, dads, 22-year-old post-grads?

I’ll tell you this, the answer is not “All of the Above.”

You must cater content, social media, and marketing to the right people or you’ll be wasting a lot of manpower.

While brands may think they need to be everywhere at all times, it’s important to remember there is a right place, a right time, and a right audience. And it’s our job as marketers to go find it.

Whether it’s a funny story about how your business was created, or a spotlight on the person who keeps the ship sailing, content in 2018 should be dynamic. And more than ever, it should be HUMAN.

On Target is an Orlando based Digital Marketing Agency that helps brands stand out and rise above the noise. Through great storytelling, On Target turns companies into thought leaders. Founded in 2005 as a search engine marketing (SEO) firm, we’ve evolved into Orlando’s only agency that specializes in creating remarkable online content. If you’re looking to refresh your marketing strategy, contact us today.