
Believe It or Not, Ripley’s Knows How To Reach Their Audience


How does someone bring the astonishing and fun aspects of a sideshow to the masses without a traveling caravan? Through the social media marketing efforts of Ripley’s Believe It or Not museum, they’ve found a way! More and more millennials are relying on social media videos to make their purchasing decisions for them. In order to keep up with the times, Ripley’s Believe It or Not created an “Unboxed” series, which shows them unwrapping the odd and unbelievable goodies that are sent there regularly. Hosted by Sabrina Sieck, lead researcher for Ripley’s publishing arm, any object can come out, from mummy hands to belly button lint. The host had a memorable moment with belly button lint that was collected by a man for over 20 years when she opened the jar and smelt it. If that doesn’t get your audience’s attention, nothing will!



Ripley’s knew who they were trying to reach; 15 to 25-year-olds who aren’t as active on Facebook anymore because newer platforms have now taken over. What platforms, you ask? Snapchat and YouTube, of course! Snapchat is the third most widely-used social media by millennials, and to top it off, the highly coveted college demographic has 70% posting to Snapchat daily compared to only 11% using Facebook to post daily. In addition, YouTube is now watched by millennials more than TV, according to a recent study. They find it more relevant and relatable than shows found on TV.

By knowing their audience, Ripley’s has developed and executed a social media marketing strategy that has been a great success with their target demographic. With over 4,550 followers on YouTube and videos reaching over 20,000 views regularly, they’ve shown that by knowing what your audience wants and delivering it, they will keep coming back for more. Not only are people going to watch their videos, but this will lure these same people to one of the 95 locations they have worldwide if they are ever traveling in the area.

If you need help targeting and reaching your audience through social media, the On Target  Orlando social media marketing team is here to help. Please contact On Target at 866-998-6886, or contact us online.
