
Agency vs. Internal Marketing

Remember when Instagram’s pretty filters made millennials think they were photographers? Well, easy access to social media and other online marketing tools have led lots of businesses to believe they can handle their marketing internally rather than hiring a marketing agency.

While many businesses are certainly capable of succeeding with an internal marketing team, we obviously think it’s better to outsource your marketing to professionals. Like us, for instance.

Agency vs. Internal Marketing

Round 1: Cost

An agency is almost 100% of the time cheaper. To build a successful internal marketing department, you’re looking at spending a hefty chunk of change. Consider these average salaries:

· Marketing Director: $109,000

· Social Media Manager: $56,000

· Content Strategist: $87,000

· Marketing Coordinator: $47,000

When hiring a marketing agency, you gain access to expert marketing professionals who specialize in SEO, graphic design, web design, content creation, copywriting, traditional and social media management and more. You don’t have to send them to seminars and workshops, pay for their salaries and vacation, or scramble for fill-ins when they’re sick.

Agency Wins.

Round 2: Technology

With an agency, you gain access to all of the latest marketing tools and technology. Sure, you can find some free tools or even join premium marketing services to boost performance, productivity, and efficiency. But when you hire a full-service marketing agency, you don’t need to worry about this because they will already have access to premium software, services and data analysis tools to make sure you’re getting the most out of your social media and email marketing, press releases and SEO.

Agency Wins.

Round 3: Training Time

There’s no need to train agencies. When a reputable marketing agency pitches your business, they’ve already done their homework and taken the time to know and understand your specific needs. They’ll bring a track record of proven results and start on day one qualified, experienced, knowledgeable and ready to take your business to the next level with no learning curve involved.

Agency Wins.

Round 4: Employee Work Load & Effectiveness

Too often rather than build an internal marketing department or outsource to a full-service marketing agency, companies will dump their marketing work onto existing employees who are already carrying a full workload. When this happens, good workers can end up overburdened and disgruntled, which leads to burnout, mistakes, and a high turnover rate.

Agency Wins.

Round 5: Fresh Perspective

An outside perspective is always helpful. If you listened to ABC’s podcast The Dropout, you know that one of the first to question the legitimacy of Elizabeth Holmes’ ill-fated company Theranos was the ad agency. Agencies are trained to look at businesses from the customer or client’s point of view. We’ll ask questions you might not have thought about and bring out-of-the-box thinking and creative vision to marketing your business.

Agency Wins.

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