
The World’s A Stage: What My Theatre Degree Taught Me About Digital Marketing

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When I was in college, I received a variety of responses when I told people I was majoring in theatre. Some were supportive of me following my passion. Many were skeptical of how I would make a living after college. I even had people tell me my degree would be useless. They couldn’t be more wrong. I use the skills and knowledge I acquired studying theatre every day at my internship at On Target, where I create quality digital storytelling content for a variety of mediums. Here are just some of the lessons from my theatre background that have influenced my approach to digital marketing: 

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Make Them Feel Something

In the world of theatre, the works of William Shakespeare are said to feature every emotion humans can feel, and this is what makes his plays so timeless and relatable. Just as the most successful plays inspire genuine emotions in their audience, so do great digital marketing messages. In studying and writing for theatre, I learned to think about not just what I wanted my audience to know, but how I wanted to make them feel. I apply this lesson to the content I create at my internship with On Target, adjusting my voice and style to create content that tells a story with real emotional impact for our clients’ audiences.

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Behind the Scenes

Theatre is one of the most collaborative forms of artistic expression. When you see a seamless transition between scenes onstage, you know that there are a dozen stagehands, technicians, board operators, and stage managers behind the scenes working their butts off to make it happen. In my theatre program, I got to work in my primary interests as a playwright and actor, but I also took on roles as a director, costume maker, set builder, stagehand, projectionist, and even a lobby usher in order to truly understand every part of the process that makes theatre happen.

Just like a show-stopping finale, setting up a quality website or social media presence for a company or organization doesn’t require just one talented visionary. You’ll need content writers for your site’s copy, graphic designers to get the visuals just right, SEO strategists to help get your brand found on the web, and more. At On Target, I collaborate with the entire marketing team to craft engaging and innovative content for our clients to help them reach their digital marketing goals.

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The Tradition of Storytelling

Theatre is one of the most collaborative forms of artistic expression. When you see a seamless transition between scenes onstage, you know that there are a dozen stagehands, technicians, board operators, and stage managers behind the scenes working their butts off to make it happen. In my theatre program, I got to work in my primary interests as a playwright and actor, but I also took on roles as a director, costume maker, set builder, stagehand, projectionist, and even a lobby usher in order to truly understand every part of the process that makes theatre happen.

My passion for storytelling led me to pursue theatre in college, and it’s the driving force behind the approach to digital marketing I’ve learned at On Target. To really engage with the audience you’re targeting, simply selling your product or service isn’t enough. Telling stories doesn’t just communicate your brand’s message — it connects your audience to that message in a genuine, truly human way.

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Jenn is a writing intern at On Target and a graduate of the University of Central Florida with degrees in Theatre and Creative Writing. She’s passionate about storytelling in all its forms, including theatre, movies, marketing, and Dungeons & Dragons. 


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