Person holding a neon heart sign


The Heart of It All

Let’s get one thing straight — the days of racking up followers to grow your reach is over. Bots and paying for followers have tainted that methodology of gaining reach for your business. Sure a large reach is important, but ask yourself if the content you put out into the world from your formulated content marketing strategy truly resonates with the human condition?

That being said, you can take a deep breath and move away from endlessly picking at your SEO, aimlessly testing keywords, having cold feet about that IG photo, and for covfefe’s sake… your tweet does not need to be 280 characters.

Neon "like" sign that reads zero

Real-Time Reaction

Regardless of what industry your business is in, when something major is trending in the digital space (and when is it not?), people take it to Twitter for real-time reactions. Strangely enough, they want to know a thought leader’s stance on the best chicken sandwich. Bonus points if you’re able to tie it into your business. Don’t tweet just to “stay alive”; engage with your audience and entertain them a little. They followed you for a reason, so take some time to converse and bounce ideas off them as trending topics happen live. It shows your genuine self and how awesome you are to work with. After all, that is your tribe.

Corporate Jargon Schmargon

So you’ve captured your audience, and you’ve pushed them to your website. Visually your home or landing page should be on target. If not… we can help with that. How enticing is that title heading on the page? If it looks visually long, it might just get overlooked. Most importantly — save your corporate jargon for your more in-depth interior pages. Most likely, if the user is looking for it, they already have some knowledge about your business or product (shoutout to killer SEO). Throw in what you would say to a fellow colleague or friend when you go out for a casual drink or coffee with them. But don’t forget to mix in your best ideas an implementation from your content marketing. Leave room for creativity.

Hospitality, Through and Through

Speak from the heart. Even the coldest person welcomes that warm, fuzzy feeling they get when a person connects to them on an emotional level. Your “other” content should feel the same. Sending out a monthly email newsletter for your business? Make it feel like a personal letter to your long-distance best friend. None of the “this month we… (insert update)”; more like “August was a great time working with (insert update).” Continue to share information just how you shared your why (the reason why you have a heart at all).

Yes, formulate the best content marketing strategy for your business — that obviously shouldn’t be thrown together. Get a pair of fresh eyes to see how well your content aligns with your brand messaging and how effective it is to connect with the human condition. Emotional connection drives engagement and grows your audience effortlessly.