
Storytelling – An Intern’s Interpretation

There’s one word that makes me cringe — graduation. Two months and I’ll be stepping out into the “real-world.” Am I ready for that? Heck yeah! I learned a lot during internships with a couple of companies: marketing, sales, analytics, design. But there was one thing missing until I landed my last internship.

As an intern at On Target Digital Marketing, I realized storytelling plays a huge role in marketing strategy. Sure, it might be in the marketer’s mind, but do they really know how to apply it? Through my experience here, I’ve learned that storytelling allows consumers not only to build a relationship with a brand but also to become part of it.

Every Tuesday, On Target’s bunch of creative geniuses meet not only to discuss marketing goals for each client but also to learn about OT’s values. The team bonds and finds inspiration through fun discussions about cats and coffee or educational TED talks. (Shout-out to CEO Thomas Jelneck for motivating us to think outside the box.)

Here are two lessons I’ve learned about storytelling from On Target’s experts:

Authentic Personality

Revealing authentic and unique content is the best way to shape a brand and allow consumers to recognize it. As an intern, I have to create social media content for different clients. My first project was to research about five different clients and create content for them. I realized each one had a different tone, a different personality. That’s what makes a brand stand out from its competitors. Take the positioning of Coca-Cola and Pepsi as examples. Pepsi represents a fun and young personality. Coca-Cola expresses excitement and sincerity. They might both taste similar and they might both offer similar products, but consumers connect through each brand’s personality.

Vivid Experience

The most successful way to tell a story is by creating vivid imagery. In one of our team meetings, JT, On Target’s chief storytelling officer, gave a presentation about how powerful the story behind a song lyric can be. Each song has a character. It can either be one you root for or one you hate. It depends on the person you’re thinking of while listening to the song. Lyrics transport us to a different place. No matter what your story is, make sure the reader or listener gets the message. To achieve that, you should implement vivid imagery into the content.

People want to understand not only the product, but also the story behind the BRAND of the product or service. The content marketing experts here at On Target will help connect your brand’s personality to your audience. Are you ready to tell your story vividly and build stronger relationships?

On Target is an Orlando based Digital Marketing Agency that helps brands stand out and rise above the noise. Through great storytelling, On Target turns companies into thought leaders. Founded in 2005 as a search engine marketing (SEO) firm, we’ve evolved into Orlando’s only agency that specializes in creating remarkable online content. If you’re looking to refresh your marketing strategy, contact us today.

Ana interned for On Target focusing on social media. She’s a student at the University of Central Florida and has a passion for donuts.

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