
So You Have A Single-Page Site…

We have gathered you here today to discuss the elephant in the room— your website. We hear your cries, we feel your pain, and we’re here to help. It’s time to intervene on your single-page site. Sure, someone, somewhere down the line convinced you that this was a good idea, that it was everything you needed for a web presence, but then what happened? You grew. Your needs started to expand. Now, you want to be found organically in search results; you want to start a paid campaign with a reasonable cost per click. Let’s face the facts: your single-page site design isn’t going to cut it anymore. 

We will confront this head on and talk about the allure a single-page site has: 

  • Simple, direct, and condensed hierarchy of information 
  • Scrolling friendly for high mobile usage 
  • Higher domain authority 
  • Less maintenance 
  • Design WOW factor (more on this later) 

But here’s the problem: single-page websites don’t cut it when it comes to basic digital marketing success. Let’s bust the myth by breaking down potential goals: 

You want better rankings 

Excellent. We all do. In order to achieve this, you need a deep site with relevant, quality content. If your content is too thin, Google will penalize you. The saying “content is king” isn’t going anywhere, and a deep, well planned out content strategy simply can’t be achieved with a single-page site. In addition to that, the technical SEO elements necessary for keyword placement become few and far between. With a single-page site, we only have one opportunity to hit our little robot friends with page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, etc. And some of those are limited by characters. 

You want to run paid campaigns

Beautiful. I’m sure you want to keep your costs in line. A key and vital indicator to ad channels like Google Adwords is something called a quality score. Your quality score considers things like landing page quality, keyword quality, user experience, and overall relevancy. Sending ads to the homepage of your site that isn’t targeted to a specific keyword funnel or keyword plan will give you a lower quality score. Lower quality score means higher cost per click. Your site should have dedicated landing pages that funnel in leads to help you maintain a high quality score. 

You want a flexible design

We have been around the block for quite some time, and long ago you couldn’t have a “good” website design that was also SEO friendly. But times, they are a changin’. Businesses evolve, and your website needs to evolve, too. You can achieve the WOW factor with a clean site that offers pages of deep content while still being visually appealing. Having multiple pages helps you to streamline your content, thus diverting you from shoving too much information on your homepage. You can still have a long homepage with valuable content to help fit the innate nature of mobile scrolling that people have come to know. 

Single-page sites have an allure when you are in a bind and need to get something up quick, but it shouldn’t be the end-all-be-all marketing solution for your business. If you want to be successful with your digital marketing, rethink the execution of your single-page site and consider something more robust that will help you succeed online. 

If you’re looking to expand your website to two or more pages (which we highly recommend), or you just need a fresh design, our web design team is here to help. You can call us at 407-830-4550 or, if that’s not your thing (we get it), just contact us online.

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