
Smart Storytelling

Have you ever been the victim of an untalented storyteller? They hold you captive at networking events and over cold cups of coffee with an unfulfilled promise: “I have a great story for you.” (Spoiler alert, it’s not a great story.) You get stuck listening to them talk in circles, feigning interest as you desperately wonder, “Is there an end to this neverending tale? What’s even the point of this? When will someone rescue me?” If your website copy reads like doing your taxes, it might be time to evaluate your digital storytelling strategy.

Write With Purpose

Every time you sit down to write, ask yourself, “Why am I writing this?” Good content and good storytelling should check at least one of three points: it shares what’s unique about your business, it addresses the problem your company was created to solve, or it focuses on how you add value to people’s lives. If your content isn’t doing one of these things, there’s a good chance that it doesn’t need a home on your website.

Simple is Smart

Storytelling doesn’t need to be complicated. Your goal is to captivate the reader and share compelling content in a simple, engaging way — so don’t add unnecessary (and let’s be honest, usually annoying) fluff to your piece. Every sentence should have a purpose. If it doesn’t, it shouldn’t be there; it only wastes your blog space and your reader’s valuable time.

Be Relatable

As you tell a story, consider your target audience. How can you build a connection with them on a deeper level? Don’t be afraid to be honest and transparent; it helps create the human connection your audience is craving.


You want to match your content to your brand’s personality — but beware, this is easier said than done. It’s not about you and your personality, it’s about how your brand is perceived by your target audience. It can take some time to identify your brand’s voice, and no matter how many people you have contributing to your blog or website copy, the tone and personality need to stay consistent.

Can You Do It?

Just because you filed your taxes this year doesn’t mean you’re an accountant. Making macaroni and cheese for dinner every night doesn’t turn you into a professional chef, and even though you drive to work every day, you shouldn’t quit your day job and sign up for the Indy 500. Yes, you’re likely a brilliant and creative marketer with a lot to offer — but you might not be a writer or a digital storyteller. And that’s okay! We’re here to help.

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