
Random Places To Find Content Inspiration

We all know how hard writing can be. Finding the right words to capture your audience’s attention while also establishing yourself as a thought leader in your space can feel like a truly impossible task. And the thing that seems harder than actually creating the content? Finding the inspiration for what you’re going to write about. Inspiration can strike anywhere — and I mean anywhere — but whenever you’re in need of some inspiration, it’s nowhere to be found. You know that all you need is one little spark and you’re off to the races. Sentences start flowing out of you like water through a broken dam. But when the river is running dry, where in the world can you go to find that spark of inspiration?

Think Local

If you’ve been stuck staring at the same white screen (or paper, if you’re keeping it old school) for hours upon hours, head to your local flea or farmers market to search for some inspiration. Flea and farmers markets offer fresh air, local vendors, and a sea of inspiration just waiting to be found. Take a stroll down the aisles of a flea market and see what your community has to offer. You may find a new home decor piece, your new favorite boutique, or inspiration for your next blog about the benefits of supporting local businesses. Farmers markets offer fresh sights and scents that awaken all of your senses. Grab a coffee and shop around at the local farmers market to find some fresh fruits and vegetables, which pair nicely with the inspiration you found for your next podcast about mindful living. Getting outside and visiting the local flea or farmers markets could be just what you needed.    

Get Outside. Get Active. Get Out of Town.

Get outside. Getting out of the office is one of the best things you can do to clear your mind. Getting out of a confined space can help you think outside the box. Go for a hike, or visit a botanical garden; fresh air and vibrant scenery can get new ideas flowing into your head. Get active. Go for a run in the local park, or head to the gym to lift some weights. Get your blood pumping and creativity flowing with exercise to clear your mind and find new content inspiration. Get out of town. Okay, you don’t actually have to get out of town to find some inspiration. However, going for a drive can help to inspire you. Take a short drive around the block, or head out for a three-hour drive on the freeway in the middle of the night to find that spark.

The Shower

Yes, the shower. The shower gives you a place to cleanse and refresh your mind. Between shampooing, rinsing and repeating, and putting on a full concert to Lizzo’s album Truth Hurts, inspiration is bound to hit. Spending time on self-care can help you find your next spark of inspiration. Taking a shower relaxes you and distracts your mind from everything you’re worrying about. Showering also releases dopamine which, when paired with a relaxed and distracted brain, is a recipe that gives us some of our best ideas. 

Sometimes it can feel impossible to find the inspiration you need for your next piece of content. Getting out of the office to check out your local farmers market, going for a drive, or heading home to watch TV and take a shower may be just what you need to find your next source of digital storytelling inspiration.

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