
Make Your Landing Page Work For You.

We’ve all heard the phrase “stick the landing,” referencing the ideal finish to a gymnastic or athletic routine or event. When you conduct a digital marketing campaign, what’s your ideal finish? You probably want your potential customer to visit your website and take a specific action. In other words, you want to get visitors to your landing page and encourage them to do business with you. So how can you “stick the landing?” Let’s start with what a landing page is. Typically, these pages are not part of your overall website’s navigation–they are designed to receive visitors and get them to take a specific action, such as buy something, register for something, or visit a brick-and-mortar location. Landing pages contain very specific content and are narrowly focused on a call to action (CTA). Landing pages usually fall into two broad categories: 

  • Lead generation pages collect information about visitors to your page, like names and e-mail addresses. Of course, people tend to avoid giving out that information, unless you’re offering something in return, like a contest, giveaway, registration for an event, or something else your visitor will see as valuable.
  • Click-through pages conduct visitors to another page (like a product page) where your visitor can buy a product or service. Why not just take them directly to the product page? Because the landing page gives you another opportunity to market that specific product, calling out features and benefits, and encouraging the visitor to buy.

While it’s certainly possible to bring visitors to your home page or another part of your website and conduct a successful campaign, a landing page gives you the chance to focus your visitors’ attention on a single product or service. Your homepage is the gateway to your entire site–visitors have many options to click away or get distracted. There are lots of other good reasons to use landing pages:

  • Headlines and images that tie into your marketing campaign. These visual and verbal hooks make your product real for your audience. Making your landing page consistent with your campaign keeps your visitors from being confused, and also makes sure they aren’t forced to hunt through your entire site to find the product that interests them.
  • A powerful call to action. Your CTA should never be vague. Tell your visitors exactly what you want them to do next.
  • Measuring results. Separate landing pages for different campaigns can help you understand which campaigns work best for you. You can track responses to specific campaigns, try different messaging and imagery, and adjust calls to action.

So, are you sticking your landing? If you aren’t getting the responses you’d like, On Target can help. We’ll work with you to create landing pages that increase response and resonate with your audience. For more information on landing pages and digital marketing, call us at 407-830-4550. Have you encountered a landing page that just doesn’t work? Share your examples with us and join the discussion here.

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