
Learning The Creator’s Game

Have you ever been driving when your phone dies, leaving you lost? That’s how I felt before I first started at On Target Digital Marketing. Luckily, On Target became my compass — my map if you will, a new path to a forest of opportunities. They helped me navigate a network of twists and turns to learn how to write content marketing. I could’ve been anyone, anywhere, but I chose to be an intern here. 

New Beginnings 

I never had an internship before On Target, so I came in open-minded and eager to learn. Shonté, the vice president, told me they value education greatly, which I found to be true. I learned so many important lessons that I’ll always use for my future career. SEO writing, for instance, allowed me to use my witty puns in a concise manner. Wins like these are preparing me for my title game in advertising. 

A Story is Worth 1,000 Words

Storytelling has been happening since the beginning of human history. From Lascaux cave paintings to Broadway theater, it’s all around us. It’s a concept for the ages — literally. Last fall, I started doing improv. With just a word suggestion, I create a whole story. Just like marketing, you get a topic and you run with it. I love immersing myself in a tale. An essential lesson I learned was to connect with people through smart storytelling rather than selling. That’s why it’s so great to write stories for other companies. I like the challenge of taking a topic that most people would find boring and giving it a creative spin. 

The Real World (Not MTV, Though) 

I’ve realized that there is a significant difference between writing academic papers for professors and creating a conversation with consumers. Content for blogs isn’t academic at all. You’re talking to a person, not a grader. For the pieces, I had to learn my client’s voice and tone; whereas for school, I use my own voice. Relating to others shouldn’t sound like a robot spewing information.

Revelation from a Realization

It’s funny — I didn’t expect my first internship to be at a marketing company since my major is advertising and public relations. When you select a major in college, you assume you’re tied to only jobs in that field; that’s not true. There is so much overlap that I’ve experienced that helped me come to the realization that the job I want could be in a different company as long as they value creativity! Advertising is a component within the larger picture of marketing. I took a chance and jumped in head first! 
Overall, I felt I learned during my internship. There were some writing struggles at the beginning and throughout my journey, but I am still able to walk out of this building knowing I gained content marketing skills. I know how to write better while tailoring it to a client’s specific needs through a story. So, to the future intern, come in prepared to write, take notes, and observe everything.

Brett is currently attending the University of Central Florida where he is studying Advertising and Public Relations. He interned at On Target for writing and editing. In his free time, he loves doing improv downtown, running many miles, discovering bands, and trying funky new beers.

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