
Kiss and Tell

Your commute just feels longer during a holiday week. It’s science. The On Target Talks podcast is here to make your commute the bright spot in your day, or even just the bright spot on I-4. Join us this week to learn how design, social media, and copy are all affecting your brand.

Episode 2: Copy and Design Sitting In a Tree

This second episode of On Target Talks combines two unique topics: copy and design. While it may seem obvious that these two things go together, copy’s influence on design (and more importantly, design’s influence on copy) is often overlooked. They have a symbiotic relationship, and it’s important.

What else can you expect?

  • Introductions with some fun facts!
  • How copy influences design
  • How design influences copy
  • Someone is revealed to be colorblind

Episode 3: Social Media Is About Your Brand — Not You

This third episode of On Target Talks dives into how to humanize your content. However, with that, comes boundaries you can cross.

What will you learn?

  • What our office lizard is dressed up as this week
  • Advice on how to humanize your content
  • What platform is right for you
  • Don’t show too much personality
  • Our (marketing-related) pet peeves

Episode 4: We Do KISS and TELL

In this episode, our designers talk about one of the best ways to ensure your brand is visually cohesive, through a design principle called KISS. We give you a rundown and the magic number when considering a color palette and fonts. Listen now, and find out what it means and how we use it in our design process.

So what else might you hear?

  • How our MySpace days inspired us to be designers
  • A great book reference if you want to get into design
  • Our favorite brands that follow KISS
  • We know — that’s a lot. That’s why we’re breaking it down for you, week-by-week, day-by-day. Join us next week for more wit, charm, and marketing insights.

When it Comes to Engagement, You’ve Got it All Wrong

How Using AI Can Hurt Your Content Writing

You Don’t Have to Know Everything