
How to Humanize Your Brand

We’re living in an automated world. When you call a company, a recorded voice likely greets you. Then you go through robotic prompts before speaking to a person— if you speak to one at all. We order coffee, buy food, get gas and do much more without ever seeing another human. We call it “modern convenience,” and it’s been a safer way to live during the pandemic. However, being surrounded by automation causes people to crave human interaction. The solution, ironically enough, could come from your digital presence. Human experiences online can make your brand stand out in a crowded marketplace. Here are some tips for adding humanity back into your online discussions: 

Use an Authentic Voice

The more time people spend online, the more they can detect when something feels off. Let your company’s vibe shine through in your online communications, from your website to your social media. Just like people, brands have personalities that align with their vision and values. If your staff is a little weird (in a good way), highlight that quirky side. If every experience with your company is strictly business, don’t shy away from showing it. Give your audience an authentic experience, and they’ll be compelled to engage with you.

Monique leading team meeting

Feature Your Staff

Employees stay with companies where they feel valued. Recognition plays an important role in staff morale. If your employee wins an award, brag about it on your blog. Going out to volunteer as a team? Take pictures, and tell the world what a great experience you had helping the community. Think about how you can showcase what goes on behind the scenes. Feature loyal employees who have been around forever and newer ones who show great initiative. Your staff will be excited to see themselves featured, and your audience will enjoy seeing the smiling faces behind your business.

Post Real Pictures

Where possible, use real photos. There’s a time and place for stock photos, but that place is not the “Join Our Team” page of your website. Stock imagery works on social media if it’s relevant, but a real photo from your business really does say a thousand words. When posting real photos, don’t over-edit. Frequent social media users will know which apps and filters you’re using to give your staff members that airbrushed look. The more authentic your pictures look, the more positively people will respond. 

Engage with Your Audience

To create a human experience, you need to do more than just rattle off facts about your company. Let your audience in on the conversation. When someone reaches out via social media, respond quickly and appropriately. This means considering the tone you use and information you provide. If they have serious concerns, address them, and see if you can take the conversation offline. Offer a number they can call so that your most engaging post doesn’t end up being a customer complaint. If you keep up with your audience, the positive engagement will outweigh the negative.

Be Informative, Not Sales-y

To be clear, we’re not saying don’t sell your products or services. However, you shouldn’t use every social media post, webpage and blog to sell something. People don’t want to be sold to all the time, and social media algorithms also do not want organic posts to be filled with sales pitches. Social media exists for people to be social. Even if you’re advertising a sales campaign, use social media to inform your customers. Don’t assume the sale in an organic Facebook post. Mix it up on your social media timeline. If people only wanted to read about your services, they’d go to your website. Find a balance between human interest stories, articles that establish your company as industry thought leaders, and posts about your products and services. 

By humanizing your brand, you invite people to become part of your company’s story. If you need help creating remarkable digital experiences, reach out On Target, an award-winning content marketing agency in Orlando, FL. Give us a call or contact us online.

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