
Flexibility is Key in 2020

We’ve all heard the phrase (and we’re all probably tired of hearing it) but now more than ever, the way we do things is changing. One day, I’m working mornings in the OT offices as a social media assistant and spending the afternoon on the UCF campus for lectures and studying during my final semester of my Bachelor’s degree. The next, I’m working from home and going to school through Zoom because of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions (proud graduate of Zoom University here). Overnight, everything changed for so many people. While change is almost never easy, how we adjust to change says a lot about us. 

The San Pedro Catholic Spiritual Center faced a lot of changes due to pandemic restrictions. They went from hosting daily mass, private and group retreats, senior day events, and more, to not being able to gather in person. San Pedro Center formed a new plan for events and got to work making sure people had the support they needed during the lockdown. A strong content marketing strategy allowed San Pedro Center to make adjustments to meet the necessary restrictions without sacrificing the quality of their content. 

The New Plan

San Pedro Center didn’t lose any time in creating a new plan for the members of their church. They quickly set up a plan for their almost daily mass to be livestreamed on their Facebook page. If you couldn’t make the live mass, you could live stream the event on their Facebook page and tune in later or revisit a mass that may have been especially moving or helpful for you. San Pedro Center also created numerous free, at-home retreats to replace their group or individual retreats. 

Being flexible has been key in 2020, where things have changed just about every single day. San Pedro Center remained flexible with the new plan they created since they didn’t know when or how restrictions would change. The On Target team worked with SPC to update their website with additional resources they offer and reworked social media content to get the information out about canceled events, live-streamed events, and new resources they provided. 

Support in Trying Times

One thing everyone learned while adjusting to changes from COVID-19 was the importance of support during trying times. San Pedro Center wanted to virtually provide that support for the members of their church. SPC compiled their own spiritual resources, along with resources they gathered from the Diocese of Orlando, so everyone could find the support they were looking for. San Pedro Center also updated or changed the resources they offer based on current events. Early on, they added a spiritual retreat for finding peace in a pandemic, and later added resources on the race and police brutality crisis

2020 has been anything but easy, but we’ve all learned the importance of being flexible with plans and the need for extra support. San Pedro Center continues to expertly handle the changes and challenges thrown at them this year, strategically using the power of content to keep everyone connected. 

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