
Facebook Tests New “Watch Later” Option for Video


Everyone knows that video is now a huge player in the content marketing game and for good reason — reports that in 2016, 55% of web traffic will be video-based, and last quarter, Facebook users accounted for 4 billion daily views. Facebook, who saw the hunger for video coming a long time ago, decided to test a “Watch Later” feature for videos posted on the social media conglomerate. Why? Because Facebook is second when it comes to video-watching (behind pimp daddy YouTube, of course), and they want that coveted number one position.

Now, you may be thinking this “Watch Later” is the same same thing as the “Save This Video” seen underneath the video, or the “Save Video” on the dropdown menu of said video. Not so fast, my friend. Facebook wants you to not think too much because we all know that clicking something requires some to mentally exert themselves. *pshhhhh….mind-control…Not Facebook!*

The “Watch Later” magically appears when your mouse hovers over a video while scrolling through your feed. Think about it…you can now save something to watch later that you didn’t even know you wanted to watch! Oh, the possibilities. Thank you, Facebook! I can now watch that video that I saved much more easily now. That one in which that fine chap in a tam o’ shanter bottle feeds an orphaned baby African ground squirrel named Xerus on the majestic hills of Scotland.

Do you see how this can revolutionize Facebook and our viewing of its videos? No? Yeah, I thought so. To click or hover…that is the question. And the answer is that question is that this is just Zuckerberg and his minion’s attempt to expand Facebook’s video biz and tap into that lucrative billion dollar digital marketing ad budget. Can’t blame a dude for trying.

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