
Facebook Gets New Style Update.

Fashions change on an almost daily basis to adapt to different trends and circumstances, so it’s hardly surprising that Facebook has given its business page layout an update, designed to make it easier for people to locate the tools they use the most. However, Facebook doesn’t launch their new look on runways in Milan or New York. To help you get the most out of your social media marketing strategy, here’s a list of Facebook’s recent business page changes:

Strut your stuff. There’s a new one-column design for your updates. The former layout combined one- and two-column layouts to create a zig-zag mosaic of updates. The new layout will allow posts to appear consistently, just like they do on News Feed and on individual timelines. That means you need to be aware of what’s on top. You may want to pin your best posts to the top of your feed to make sure visitors get the impression you want. 

Choose your venue. The new layout’s left-side column contains complete page info. That includes likes and visits, friends who like your page, information about your company with links, and more. The important thing to remember here is that your location will display a map with your phone number and hours of business. If you don’t want that on the top of your left column, don’t include your address.

Cover shots. From now on, Like, Follow, and Message buttons are on top of your cover photo. Since your cover photo is your most important tool for making a first impression, you need to be aware of how your photo looks with superimposed buttons and text. Use online templates (like the one found here) to set up your cover photo.

Check your status. The new layout offers administration tools, located on the top menu and right-side menu. You’ll get quick stats at a glance, and a full range of information like page reach, post performance, time of day when your fans are online, and much more.

Critique your competition. The redesign includes a new comparison tool that allows you to track up to five competitor pages and compare their stats to yours. You’ll be able to compare total page likes, new page likes, posts from the current week, and overall engagement from the current week (likes, comments, and shares).

Other changes include a new call to action (CTA) that pops up when new visitors scroll down your page. The CTA prompts viewers to receive updates from you in their News Feeds by liking your page. Updates will appear before apps, which move far down the page in the left-hand column. You’ll also be able to manage the tabs that appear below your custom photo to create a more customized menu.

Make sure to give some thought to these updates and how to best customize your business’s Facebook page for your social media marketing purposes. Let us know what you think of the new changes in the comments.

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