Person on a phone on a computer that's on WordPress


Embrace Automated Marketing: Set Your Website Up to Win

Your website was just designed. It looks sexy, modern, and representative of your brand. You love the new animation and glowing images from the expensive photographer you hired. The SEO is on point. You think, My work here is done. But no, my friend, it is not game over for your competition yet. There’s still work to do. Take it from us, an Orlando digital marketing agency: It’s just the beginning.

Where You Should Go Auto

If you’re confused and wondering what the heck marketing automation means, we’ve got the answers. Marketing automation refers to software and technologies that are developed for your organization to effectively market online. We’re here to give you a good understanding of what to expect and what it’s all about. Optimization. That’s what it’s all about, folks. These are the highlights of taking your marketing to the next level:

  • Reduce the cost of staffing
  • Increase revenue
  • More creativity
  • Target potential clients across various channels
  • Boost customer lifetime loyalty
  • Schedule campaigns ahead of time
  • Conduct better reporting and collect efficient data

Marketing Automation

Here’s where we mean when we say you can do it in your sleep. Say your prospect is up at 2 a.m. thinking (let’s be real, stressing) about how they can improve their company’s marketing strategy. We’ll call her Diane, the marketing director at an IT company. Diane Googles your industry. You hopefully pop up on the first page (we can help you with that, too). She goes to your website. She browses, she clicks. What if you can know Diane? Her position, her email address, her every move. On your website, of course — let’s not get creepy a la Joe in Netflix’s “You.” Well, it’s possible you can. Shoot emails based on your potential client’s every move and interest. Set up your drip campaign that triggers a new email when the prospect makes a move. From here, you can create a personalized customer experience that will keep them coming back for more. They become addicted. From one purchase to the next, to forever hooked.

Smart Site Sexiness

How is this done? With top-rated marketing software platforms. Customer relationship management is a hot tool for managing your organization’s interaction with your current and potential clients. Using data analysis on the customers’ history, you can focus on client retention and in the end, you win. Get notifications right to your phone and drive up those sales now. Know when they start crawling back to your website, what device they are using and how often, and send emails based on what they are truly interested in. Here are just some of the sexy features of Smart Sites:

  • Responsive email design
  • Email templates and HTML editor
  • Automated trigger emails
  • Test emails
  • Transformative email analytics
  • After-the-click behavioral-based email tracking

Don’t feel overwhelmed. We’ve got you. The pros at On Target Digital Marketing, a top digital marketing agency in Orlando, can do the work for you. From podcasting to SEO, we’ve got all the tools and the experience. We turn your website into a lead-generating machine with our remarkable, intelligent software. So you can still get your sleep and get the work done, simultaneously. Give us a call now to chat more.