
Content Marketing Strategies for B2B Tech Companies


For many B2B TECH companies, they produce content marketing for their audience in the hopes of enticing them to purchase their products or hire them for their services. Some of the most obvious tactics used by tech companies in persuading consumers to consider them while making a purchasing decision are:

  • Outlining the benefit a product and/or service provides to an organization
  • Explaining how the technology being sold can meet an organization’s specifications
  • Presenting the financial appeal your product provides to an organization

As a B2B technology company, you know exactly what your audience is looking for, don’t you:



After producing content for your audience that addresses all of the things that can hook potential consumers, the hard work should be over, right? Should you just sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor? No. B2B Tech companies can miss a huge opportunity in maintaining those same customers for future consideration by not producing content to guide them throughout their whole purchasing journey, and that includes post-purchase thought leadership.

  • Post-Product and Service Follow Up: Congratulations…you have converted interested parties into purchasers, but now is not the time to stop producing content for them. You need your buyer to feel secure in his or her decision to purchase from you. Think about user guides, how-to videos, and eBooks that can help users to more effectively use your product. Being there for your customer post-purchase proves that you care about them AFTER the sale, which is a rare thing and something they will remember when it is time to renew.
  • Ongoing Management Advice: After the buyer completes the transaction, content can provide your audience with the information needed to manage their tech purchase through time, which includes dependability, support, performance, execution, and compatibility. Have the content produced in this area center on topics that help those users effectively operate and maintain their technology purchase for the long haul.
  • Renewal of Products and Services: There always comes a point in time when the need for a product replacement becomes necessary. By reminding your end users why they purchased from you and the benefits and value of their investment, their chances of renewing with your organization will increase. By comparing your organization’s products and/or services to your competitor’s, especially in regards to cost, ROI, and relevant purchaser aspects, you will reaffirm their faith and remind them why they purchased from your organization in the first place. Explain to your audience new available features, new functionalities on the horizon, and any advancements in that certain technology that will enhance the productivity and efficiency of their organization.

The reality is that content marketing efforts do not stop after a purchase; look at a consumer’s purchasing journey as being cyclical, having no starting and stopping point. Many technology products will need to be replaced at some point. Being there for your customers post-sale by following up, supplying ongoing advice, and providing renewal information will help to support loyalty to your technology company. For more information on how to effectively implement a content marketing strategy for your B2B Tech company, please contact On Target at 866-998-6886, or contact us online.

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