
Content Marketing: Go Mobile or Go Home


In my last blog, I discussed why your content marketing should have visual components so that your audience is engaged and comes back for more. But let me issue you a warning: if the content you have created cannot be seen on mobile devices, you might as well just throw half of your time and resources away by spending it on print and TV (snicker, snicker), only to reach half of your audience. reports that digital advertising will account for a third of all money spent on advertising in the U.S, amounting to 52.8 billion dollars. Yep, I said billion. As digital marketers, it’s a nice feeling to be involved in that stat, isn’t it? So, if your lovely content isn’t made to fit nicely on mobile devices, then what’s the point?

Here are 3 things you need to make happen so that your content marketing will be enjoyed by the masses and shared throughout the digital landscape:

  • Be Sure Your Website Doesn’t Suck: 57% of those who encounter a subpar website using their mobile device wouldn’t recommend that business. Step in your audience’s shoes and use your site like they would. How does that CTA button work? Is the button big enough for mobile users to use? Can you pinch and swipe easily? Make sure your site is enjoyable to use, and easy to navigate through, not something that causes them aggravation.
  • Your Site Must be Mobile Responsive: You don’t know what this really means? Imagine a whole world of desktop computers, mobile phones, laptops, and tablets. Your website should look amazing on whatever device your audience is using to access your site. reported that sites who implemented a responsive design were rewarded with a 10.9% increase in visitor-to-buyer conversion rate. And, of course, there’s the whole “Google will penalize you for not having a responsive design starting 4/21/15” thing. So yeah…your site needs be mobile responsive to succeed in digital marketing.
  • Visualize Your Message: Your website is easy to use, and it is mobile responsive. The next step would be to make sure your content looks awesome on mobile devices and this includes:
    • Ensuring that headlines are a perfect 5-7 words each and catchy, of course.
    • Using bulleted or numbered points (you see what I am doing right now?). People love to scan read, absorbing info quickly.
    • The use of videos and pictures to tell your story…always a great idea.
    • Considering podcasts. When a person has a mobile device and a pair of earbuds, there is no telling where your podcast will be heard.
    • Making sure your social buttons are easy to find and use on mobile devices.

Here is a crazy statistic: said that in 2014, mobile-connected devices passed the world’s population and that in 2019, mobile devices will be 1.5 per capita, meaning 11.5 billion devices will be jacked into the Internet. You need to jump on the mobile train, folks, or risk being left at a desolate station, with no hopes of that train ever coming back to pick you up.

If you feel like you need help with any aspect of digital marketing, give On Target a call at (866) 998-6886. We have been helping clients in Atlanta, Orlando and Wichita, delivering expert SEO and digital marketing services.



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