Image and Video Credit: Budweiser
Budweiser recently surprised Dwayne Wade with 5 visitors who explained to him how the things he has done for them have impacted their lives in a monumental way.
Grab a tissue and watch:
Although we wouldn’t categorize this as an advertisement, it’s still marketing brilliance by Budweiser. This video has 4,751,630 views at the moment and it surely caught our attention as well as everyone else’s.
Dwayne Wade recently ended his 16 year NBA career. While it’s well-known that he has done quite a lot for the Miami Heat team in those 16 years, Budweiser decided to highlight the incredible life-changing impact he had on 5 special individuals, including his own mother.
We applaud Budweiser for taking a widely covered topic, the ending of Dwayne Wade’s career, and turning it into something that incorporates themselves. Although mostly, we love that instead of pouring money into “trendy” advertisements, Budweiser covered what really matters and we hope that this can generate more kindness in the world.