
Apple vs Google: The Clash of the Titans

People really don’t like ads. It’s a standard procedure in my home to never watch anything live so that we can fast-forward through all the commercials. Well, we watch sports live because you just have to. I also pay money every month so that the music I listen to isn’t tainted by annoying advertising. You know that “Read Later” feature? It is used so that people that find something interesting to read on their mobile device can read it later on their laptop or desktop to avoid the annoying ads on mobile that take up precious screen space. Apple, always one to give their customers what they want, included the ability to block ads using apps on mobile devices through their new iOS 9 update. This is a huge game changer for those who believe in the power of Google ads. Seriously, what will an advertiser do if their efforts are blocked? 

Hey, now…just WHOA! This means that the over 700 million people who access the Internet through their phones can now choose to never see another pop-up ad. Apple really doesn’t care because their revenue doesn’t come from advertisers, like web powerhouses Google and Facebook do. Apple’s money maker is their products, and if their products can now block those pop-up ads, it may help people choose an iPhone over a much cheaper Android equivalent.

Once installed, apps such as Purify, Adblock Mobile, promise to both block ads and tracking, allowing users to experience up to 4 times faster loads times, uncluttered screens, and up to a 50% web data consumption reduction. By also blocking tracking, mobile users will now be granted more privacy in their web usage, and privacy on the web is something everyone is concerned about.

With Adobe reporting that publishers will lose an estimated 22 billion in 2015 with this new ad blocking, it is definitely going to hurt some. But this just means that the iOS 9’s new ability means you need to have increased digital presence to be found. So, this all comes back to the question I posed earlier: what are advertisers going to do if their online campaigns will not be seen as they once were? Two words: content marketing. Yeah, I know. You hear about the importance of content marketing from the OT team all the time, but think about it. They will now have to find you through organic search, social media, and other platforms because you have been providing fresh, relevant, and engaging content to your consumers. Plain and simple.

We live in a world now in which we do NOT have to be bombarded advertisers’ tiresome messages telling you to buy their product or hire them for whatever service they offer. Consumers are smart, and we now have the ability to decide on our own what we choose to spend our money, time, and attention on. With pop-up ads going away, give your customers what they want: information they can actually use through the use of content they will actually read.

This is what On Target does: content marketing. We know how to make it work. We know how to make it shareable. We know how to get the content marketing results you are looking for. For help with your content marketing efforts, call the On Target team at (866) 998-6886, or contact us online.

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