
89% Bounce Rate is NOT Always a Bad Sign: Three Examples When It’s Okay to Have a High Bounce Rate

Most Orlando SEO consultants will look at your Analytics with a couple of key things to say.  First, the more sessions to the your website, the better.  You should see variety in your traffic sources. And finally, the bounce rate could always be lower.  But that’s not always true.

It’s all about perception! The French artist Robert Delaunay once said: “Our understanding is correlative to our perception”. This is exactly what happens with this particular data when analyzing your website. Bounce rates measure those visitors who go to your website, see just one page and leave immediately. It is, at the same time, the oddest rate within our analytics data, the one that you want to see decrease as much as possible. Or is it?Remember, it’s all about perception and CONTEXT…

Context 1: You are Posting Your Blog Content Through Your Social Media Accounts.

Ok, so you just released your latest, and most likely, awesome blog post. You want all of your social media community to go crazy and share it as many times as they can, to leave tons of comments, to get thousands of impressions and to even send you several DM’s telling you how smart and unique your content is; good for you! But then again, don’t expect a low bounce rate. You are getting what you want which is your content’s glory. If that is your goal, you are doing a great job; you are trying to catch your audience’s attention through social media to make them click on that post and visit your blog. Your audience, compelled to read your catchy social media post, will click, read the blog and leave.

Context 2: Using a Landing Page Without a Navigation for Adwords or Other Campaigns.

Don’t expect a low bounce rate when you are constraining your users to just convert through that landing page with no links to click on. If your goal is for them to fill the contact form or to follow you on Facebook, that’s what you should measure. Therefore, as long as they complete that task that you planned for them, your bounce rate won’t be relevant to you. The important fact is that you got your conversion. Period.

Context 3: Your Contact Page Doesn’t Have Any Type of Form to Fill Out

Your users are most likely going to that page for your contact information and location address, and to get that information, they need to either go directly to your business or to call you right away. Your bounce rate is high because they are not clicking through other pages because they don’t need to. They got what they wanted; your contact info. And you…well, you most likely got that call, didn’t you? Well done!

If that’s not the case, don’t start crying yet; there’s a second reason why this may be happening!

If you do have a contact form but you have it with a second company that takes your users away from your domain, then that’s going to count as a bounce. As long as you can track the way that got users to fill out your contact form, then you’re good to go…That’s what you wanted, right? They exit your website because you made them. If this is the case, do yourself a favor and start tracking the number of times they click on your “fill the contact form” button, and compare this data to the number of forms that you actually end up getting at the end of the month.


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