
7 Tips So Your Business Can Use Twitter Like a Pro


Twitter has become one of the most influential social media tools for entrepreneurs and businesses to use. Twitter allows you to deliver your brand’s message quickly and directly to your target audience. However, if you are not familiar with Twitter, than the 140 character limit and hashtag usage may be a tough hurdle to overcome.

To help your business get the most success it can out of Twitter, here is a list of 7 tips for Twitter success.

  1. Getting Connected- Twitter is an open platform with live updates, meaning there are are several ways to connect with Twitter users through hashtags, keywords, and searching user names. Twitter also provides a “Trending” section that allows you to see what other users are talking about. Like Facebook, Twitter also provides suggestions of other users for you to follow based on connections from your current followers and those you are following.
  2. Correct Photo Size- Visual content is a huge component in digital marketing. Sharing images and video is a great way to get more engagement and traffic to your business’ social media page. However, you don’t want to post images that get cropped because they are too large. This infographic gives you the image dimensions for social media sites to help take the guess work out of resizing your images. Twitter’s photo sizes for your profile picture is (81 X 81)px,  and the header is (520 X 520)px. The shared image size is (375 X 375)px.
  3. Understanding Hashtags- Hashtags are very important when starting conversations, sharing breaking news, promoting events or blogs, and promoting people. Twitter uses hashtags to link everyone together and show others what is being said about that hashtag/topic.
    hashtagHashtags have to be used with caution, however. Brands will sometimes try to promote themselves or a product by creating a specific hashtag which ends up backfiring on them because unsatisfied customers will use it to post unhappy comments and troll them. McDonals tried promoting #McDstories to have customers post positive experiences they have had at the establishment. It didn’t go so well…
  4. Prime-Time Posting- What is the point of tweeting if no one will see them? Knowing what times your business gets the most views and traffic on Twitter can save you from tweeting constantly and be more effective with the tweets you post. It has been reported that the best times to tweet are:
    • Click-through rates are highest Friday, Saturday and Sunday
    • Retweets are highest around 5pm
    • Best times to Tweet are between 12-1pm & 5-6pm

    Tweriod is a tool that analyses your Twitter page and tell you when you receive the most traffic, days and times, and also lets you know when the majority of your followers are online.

  5. Use Tools to Help You- There is a wide variety of tools you can use to help you manage and schedule posts to your social media accounts. One of the most popular tools used to schedule posts is Hootsuite. Hootsuite allows you to manage multiple social media accounts at once, schedule posts in the future, works on all platforms, has a free subscription (with limitations), and sends free analytic reports by email.
  6. Keep it Short & Sweet- The optimal amount for characters in a tweet is from 70 to 100. This way readers are able to digest your post quickly and with ease. Buffer Social has an infographic that shows the optimal sizes for tweets as well as other tips for length on video, blogs, linked posts and number of hashtags too.
  7. Run a Contest- One of the best ways to get users to engage with your Twitter is to run a contest. When running a Twitter contest, it is important to have 3 things:
    • Have a defined goal.
    • Select prizes carefully
    • Track your campaignTwitter-contest-3

    Hosting a Twitter contest is a great way to achieve many of your social media goals. A single Twitter contest can give you the same ROI, as hundreds of well hashtagged tweets, saving you hours.

Twitter is one of the most popular social media accounts with more than 271 million monthly users. Whether you want to use Twitter to help your business succeed and engage with your target audience, or use it for personal social engagement, these tips will help you get on target and set on a path to using twitter Twitter like a pro.

To learn more about how Orlando social media marketing can further help your business grow, continue reading through our blogs or contact On Target Web Solutions at 407-830-4550.

Stay Classy Orlando,


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