
5 Tips For Creating An SEO Editorial Calendar.

A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish.
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery

In my last blog about SEO & Planning, I promised to offer some tips on creating an SEO related Editorial calendar for your online search marketing campaigns.  So, here are a few tips that my SEO firm uses to help businesses devise a solid plan of attack. 

5 Tips For Creating An SEO Editorial Calendar

1.) Analyze Previous Sales.

Spend some quality time analyzing your sales over the last few years.  When did you sell more ABC Widgets? When did you see an uptick in customer service calls? When did you onboard the most clients?  Create a spreadsheet that you can use to document those findings and watch for patterns to emerge.  Once you know how folks are buying from you and when, you can begin to devise an editorial calendar that delivers the right information to the right people at the right time.

2.) Analyze Previous Web / Internet Marketing Analytics.

Remember that month where your Internet / web site traffic was on fire?  What happened that month? What happened 3 months prior to that? Was there an off-line campaign running at the same time? Knowing what worked in previous years and WHEN it worked is mission critical to devising your content marketing editorial calendar.

3.) Synchronize Online AND Offline Marketing Efforts.

When do you plan on beginning that TV ad campaign? When do your new 30 second radio spots begin? Is the billboard going up in Q4? Your offline and online marketing need to play nice together and help to reinforce the big picture.  Devise your online editorial calendar to help reinforce your off-line calendar and vice versa.

4.) Track and Document.

This is probably where many marketing departments fall short.  Keep track, whether in a spreadsheet or in your Google Analytics account of what articles / content actually created an up-tick in traffic.  This will be extremely useful data when planning for next year.  What worked? What didn’t?

5.) Get Granular.

Your editorial calendar needs to get very specific. Use your spreadsheet to spell out holidays, weekends, etc. that could impact the performance of your content and be certain that make adjustments for the human condition, (day after New Years, SuperBowl Sunday) etc., where buyers may not be dialed in to your particular world.

The whole key to the success of your SEO and Content marketing program is planning.  Once you know who, what, when, where and why, you can start to fine tune your content delivery engine and feed your prospects what they want, how they want it and when they want it.

Presenting Experienced Web Development strategies, SEO recommendations, and Digital Marketing services to Orlando, Atlanta & Wichita businesses.

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