
3 Ways You Can Become a Better Business Blogger


So, I am a Content Marketer. Funny how many people in my life have no idea what I do, and it is my fault. They ask what I do for a living, I reply with “editor.” In truth, I am the Content Marketing Lead for On Target, a content marketing agency. I am in charge of the topics for content and polishing of that content that our clients receive (except for the infographics and videos, which are content btw. My boy Austin is that generator of that awesomeness). I have picked up some tricks on how to make content work for businesses, and since I am in a generous mood right now, decided to share.


Use Keywords in Your Blogs and Optimize Your Content

True story: I was hanging out with friends, and one happens to own a business–the same type of business that a few of our clients are involved in. I decided to take a look at his website and noticed his company has been blogging. These blogs were good and consistent. Yet, NONE were optimized. All those blogs, and not one of them were taking advantage of the many optimization factors that could allow them to capitalize on their content efforts.

It’s a missed opportunity. Learn what keywords you should be using, and how to place them within your text. This is what Search Engine Optimization is all about, folks. If you have content, let the search engines find it and help you increase your rankings! Also, be sure to share all that beautiful, keyword-laced content on all your social media platforms. Let the world delight in your blogging prowess.

Use More Than Just Text

Perhaps you have the gift of gab that easily translates into words, but how about breaking up that text with clever infographics, catchy images, and interesting video? Which do you prefer:


Content Marketing PSA from The Contentinators on Vimeo.

Jen Beck talks content marketing in this PSA parody.

Don’t Sell! Inform

We get it…you believe in your product and want the world to buy it. No matter how strong you feel about this, do NOT try to hard sell your product through blogging.

Let’s say you sell hats for cats. Your blog should be about fashion for cats, or cute Halloween outfits for cats.

Let’s say that you want to be a mime at corporate events. Your blog should be about ways to apply stage makeup, or how to connect to an audience without using words. You want your blogs to be a plethora of information for your audience. This is called being an authoritative voice. You can leave yourself a little bit of a sales push at the end by saying “If you still feel like you just cannot get that mine makeup perfect, don’t fret! Just call Morty the Morbid Mime at 555-5555 today!” That is a Call to Action (CTA), something every blog ending should have. The CTA tells your reader to do something, whether it be call, click, email, or just do a little butt shake in their chair.

Create Remarkable Content

Participating in the content marketing game may seem daunting, but it really isn’t. Just remember that people are hungry for information that is interesting and informative. There’s a  reason why no one listens to or watches commercials anymore: because we don’t have to (thank you, DVR!!). If you feel like you want to be a major player in content marketing, but feel you can’t get off the bench, call On Target at (866) 998-6886.

Peace out,


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