If you could spend less than 10 hours a week and little to no money to increase brand awareness, website traffic and sales, would you do it? That’s what social media marketing can do for your business, and it’s why about 96% of marketers are participating in some form of this cost-effective and results-producing resource. What will the benefits of social media be for your business? The reasons become more compelling by the day, but here are a few important things to know about why you should be using this phenomenal resource:
Improved Search Engine Rankings & Credibility
SEO professionals joke that the best place to hide a dead body is on the 2nd page of Google search results, and it’s only funny because it’s true. If your business isn’t showing up on the first page of Google search results, the likelihood of your potential customers finding you drops dramatically. Integrating target keywords into high-quality content such as case studies, infographics, blogs, employee profiles and more helps you build credibility with your social media community. Once followers start liking and sharing your content, you’ll get more backlinks scoring you a higher search engine ranking, see, we just did it for moz.com. Integrating target keywords into high-quality content such as case studies, infographics, blogs, employee profiles and more helps you build credibility with your social media community. Once followers start liking and sharing your content, you’ll get more link backs scoring you a higher search engine ranking.
Better Brand Awareness
Creating social media profiles for your business is one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing strategies to increase your business’ visibility and brand recognition. Encouraging employees, business partners, vendors and more to like and share your page and content will broaden your reach among potential customers. With only a few hours a week invested in building an online platform, 91% of marketers reported that social media marketing dramatically increased their exposure.
Get the Customers YOU WANT
You have the ability to micro-target audiences through social media advertising which helps you reach ONLY the people you want to. Plus, if your goal is conversion—someone purchasing your product or service—you can use the attributes of existing customers to predict the buying behavior of future customers. Say what?
It’s true. By gathering data about people who have already purchased your product or service such as age, income, location, education, you can identify, predict and influence the behavior of like-minded individuals through hyper-targeted advertising. Think of it this way: if predictive analytics and data insights had a baby? Bingo. Micro-targeting.
Does all of this sound overwhelming and a little bit foreign to you? We can help. We’re like the Rosetta Stone of social media. We speak the language, understand the algorithms, and know how to make them work for you.